
Version 2.1.0 update!

Before You Update
- You will need a Wi-Fi connection in order to update.
Please refer to "FAQ Network ⑳" on how to connect to Wi-Fi.

- Please be in an environment where there is a stable Wi-Fi connection.
Environments with unstable connection, such as those below,
may prevent the device from updating properly:

A location with network congestion.
An environment where connection can be easily lost, such as during transit.
Being near a microwave oven that is in use.

- Once the update begins, you will not be able to play with the device
until the update is complete.

- While updating, please do not turn off the device.
Make sure there is enough battery life, or it is charging.
When updating, if the device is turned off, it may not update correctly or play data may disappear.

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